One of the purposes of the Multicultural Recognition Act 2016 is to promote Queensland as a unified, harmonious and inclusive community by establishing the Multicultural Queensland Charter.

The Multicultural Queensland Charter

Because Parliament:

The Act establishes the following Multicultural Queensland Charter:

  1. A shared commitment to Queensland and Australia, and a free and democratic society governed by the rule of law, fosters a strong and unified community.
  2. The people of Queensland come from many diverse backgrounds and have worked, and continue to work, together to build a prosperous, fair and harmonious Queensland.
  3. The people of Queensland should be able to express and celebrate, in a lawful way, their cultural, linguistic and religious diversity.
  4. Equal rights and responsibilities under the law and equitable access to the services provided or funded by the government for all people of Queensland helps build a fair community.
  5. A shared commitment, among members of the Queensland community, to mutual respect, fair treatment and valuing the diversity of peoples in the community fosters a caring, safe and inclusive community.
  6. The creation of opportunities that encourage the full participation of people from diverse backgrounds in the cultural, economic, political and social life of Queensland helps build a prosperous state.
  7. Sustained, respectful and inclusive engagements between all individuals, groups and the government are a basis for mutual understanding.
  8. A unified and harmonious community promotes a sense of belonging among its people and builds community confidence and resilience.

We are developing strategies to promote the Multicultural Queensland Charter broadly throughout the community and across Queensland to turn the charter's principles into reality.

Signing of the Multicultural Queensland Charter

On 23 August 2017, the Multicultural Queensland Charter was jointly signed by the Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk MP and the Speaker Peter Wellington MP. The Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister Grace Grace MP and members of the Multicultural Queensland Advisory Council were in attendance. The signing of the Charter reflects the Queensland Parliament's commitment to multiculturalism and a unified, harmonious and inclusive Queensland.

Signing of the Multicultural Queensland Charter