Disclosure log

The Right to Information Act 2009 (the RTI Act) commenced on 1 July 2009. Disclosure logs are part of the Queensland government's proactive disclosure of information under the RTI Act and are published in accordance with the 'Ministerial Guidelines – Operation of Publication Schemes and Disclosure Logs' (DOC).

The Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services (DCSSDS) disclosure log provides information that has been released in response to non-personal applications made under the RTI Act. The disclosure log may contain entries regarding subject matter for which the current department no longer has responsibility due to Machinery of Government changes. The disclosure log contains a description of the information requested and a link to published documents.

DCSSDS publishes documents on this disclosure log that have been accessed by an applicant that do not contain their personal information. Some or all of the documents within an application may be fully released, partially released or not released as part of the original or disclosure log decision making process. Under the RTI Act, information must be deleted from any document if the publication:

  • is prevented by law
  • would be defamatory
  • would unreasonably invade a person's privacy
  • is confidential communication by a person other than the agency
  • is protected under contract, or
  • would cause substantial harm to an entity.

The documents published in the disclosure log are available in PDF format. If you are unable to read PDF documents, please email rti@csyw.qld.gov.au or telephone (07) 3097 5605.

Disclosure log applications
ID Date Topic / information requested Status Applicant / Entity
APP2024-2232 30 May 2024

Infant life protection documents in relation to a specified person

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy
APP2024-2455 12 April 2024

In relation to the applicant as a child:
Infant Life Protection documents
Child safety hardcopy documents

Finalised – documents contain personal information of the applicant

Leelana Fabila-Hicks, Link-Up (QLD) Aboriginal Corporation (Entity)

APP2024-2154 28 February 2024

Infant Life Protection documents in relation to a specified person

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy
APP2024-2103 1 January 2024

Full staff list for the Minister's office as at the date of application including name (first and surname), position title and pay scale (excluding pay point within the scale).

Access refused

Mr Matthew Tapsall, Office of the Leader of the Opposition (Applicant)

APP2024-1773 29 December 2023

Adoption records relation to a specified person

Finalised – documents contain personal information of the applicant
APP2024-1540 12 December 2023

Youth Justice documents in relation to a specified person for the period of 8 September 2021 to 26 October 2022.

Finalised – documents contain personal information of the applicant
APP2024-1194 6 December 2023

Child safety documents relating to specified children

Access refused - neither confirm nor deny the existence of documents
APP2024-1452 4 December 2023

Infant Life Protection records relating to a specified person

Access refused - no documents
APP2024-1601 23 November 2023

The department's Fraud and Corruption Control Policy. Including any policy changes from the 1st of September 2023.

Any other department policies or practices covering Fraud, Theft or Corruption.

Date range: 1 July 2023 to 23 November 2023

Finalised – publication pending relevant 78B(2) deletions
APP2024-1416 16 November 2023

Policies and guidelines on how decisions in regards to LCS2 renewals are made by the Central Screening Unit

Finalised – publication pending relevant 78B(2) deletions
APP2024-1418 9 November 2023

Adoption records relating to a specified person

Application withdrawn
APP2024-1417 31 October 2023

The 2017 report reviewing the Forensic Disability Service

Access refused

Alexandra Blucher (Applicant)

ABC News (Entity)

APP2024-0672 14 September 2023

Infant Life Protection documents in relation to a specified person

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy
APP2024-1193 10 September 2023

Child safety documents relating to specified children

Access refused - neither confirm nor deny the existence of documents
APP2024-0685 23 August 2023

Documents in relation to a specified person

Application withdrawn
APP2024-0592 18 August 2023

The following records from 01 July 2020 to 30 June 2021:

  1. The number of lnformation Security audits (i.e monitoring, investigation) conducted of physical and technical controls (including departmental lT assets) used by public sector employees and Senior Officers of the Department as per QGEA information management roles and responsibilities;
  2. The number of departmental USBs and other portable storage devices issued to employees by the Work Unit within the department and the registers detailing the status of possession of such;
  3. The number of personal storage devices (including USBs) used by public sector employees/Senior Officers on Departmental lT Assets identified by lnformation Services, through monitoring and/or investigation, by Work Unit eg. AS&RS;
  4. The number of network outages experienced by the department during the period requested, aggregated by unscheduled outages, unplanned unplanned outages and planned outages;
  5. The number of lT assets identified during lnformation systems audit, monitoring or investigation with confidential government documents (electronic files) on their desktop (via data motion/storage monitoring);
  6. The number of Business lmpact Level (BIL) assessments performed and ratings made for incident security incidents and event involving (a) USBs, and (b) desktops where access to or storage of confidential government documents (e-files) occurred.
  7. The number of authorised investigations into alleged or suspected misuse of ICT services and devices involving Cabinet in confidence documents, confidential government documents and/or records.
Application withdrawn
APP2024-0491 11 August 2023

All documents between 1 January 1965 to 31 December 1983 and 1 January 2016 to 31 July 2023 that directly relate to Llew Edwards's involvement, dealings with, endorsements of, or representations of:

  • New Life Centre; Ipswich; and
  • Specified persons.

A reference to Llew Edwards means the Queensland Liberal Party politician, during his tenure as Deputy Premier of Queensland from 1978 to 1983, Treasurer of Queensland from 1978 to 1983, Member for Minister for Health from 1974 to 1978, and Member for Ipswich from 1972 to 1983.

Access refused - no documents
APP2024-0210 20 July 2023
  1. The annual breakdown of statistics each year respectively relating to minors convicted of offences against the person including age, offence and penalty from 1 January 2020 and if repeat offenders, how many times they've been convicted.
  2. Documents, specifically reports, ministerial briefing notes, correspondence including emails since 1 January 2023 relating to minors convicted of any offences against the person which involve one ore more of the following:
    • a suspended sentence;
    • a warning;
    • Jail term;
    • Repeat offences/offenders.

Limit searches to just the Director-General

Access refused - no documents
APP2024-0006 19 July 2023

The following documents in relation to the Manoora Community Centre for the period 1 January 1996 to 31 December 1999:

  1. Position descriptions and staffing pattern information for any Departmental staff or contractors working out of the centre including the project worker for the West Cairns Youth and Community Combined Action Plan
  2. Policies and regulations that governed the volunteer management committees and use of volunteers at the centre and other estate community centres and/or community pastoral centres
  3. Information about Government and/or non-government organisations providing after school programmes or youth support services at the centre
  4. Information about the service called 'Community Care' or similar including related organisation, position and program description
  5. Sunday School and/or Bible Study organisations using the centre, including approvals, permissions and background checks of religious staff or volunteers ensuring they were suitable to work with children; and details of those supervising the conduct of these services
Access refused - no documents
APP2023-0162 14 July 2023

The following documents for the period 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2011:

  1. Reports from hard copy files on the activity of the Community and Specialist Services Development Branch for the Executive Management Team, with respect to support for clients with complex communication needs (CCN), Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), and Facilitated Communication (FC).
  2. Preventing and Responding to the Abuse, Assault and Neglect of People with a Disability Policy as current in 2010.
  3. 2009 report on data collection regarding the number of current FC users.

Excluding drafts and documents considered in previous applications.

Application finalised Documents for release
APP2023-0162 (PDF, 9.6 MB)

Catherine Davies (Applicant)

APP2023-3845 25 May 2023

Documents relating to a specified adoption and the discharge of a specifed adoption.

Finalised – documents contain personal information of the applicant
APP2023-3579 28 April 2023

Infant life protection records in relation to a specified person.

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy
APP2023-3265 12 April 2023

Specified documents which refer to a specified person.

Access refused
APP2023-3276 2 April 2023

Adoption records in relation to a specified person.

Access refused - neither confirm nor deny the existence of documents
APP2023-2945 8 March 2023

All documents relating to a specified workplace accident.

Finalised – documents contain personal information of the applicant
APP2023-2457 1 February 2023

All emails, SMS's, messenger service messages, memo's, letters, briefing notes sent or received by anyone in the Youth Justice Minister's office - including the Minister - regarding the death of Emma Lovell or the new youth justice measures announced on 29 December 2022

Timeframe: 26 December 2022 to 31 December 2022

Finalised – publication pending relevant 78B(2) deletions
APP2023-2337 20 January 2023

Infant Life Protection records in relation to a specified person.

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy
APP2023-2176 6 January 2023

Documents relating to an investigation process.

Finalised – documents contain personal information of the applicant
APP2023-1991 9 December 2022

Infant life protection records in relation to a specified person.

Access refused - no documents
APP2023-1957 7 December 2022

Infant life protection records in relation to a specified person.

Access refused - no documents
APP2023-1908 2 December 2022

Documents in relation to a specified incident.

Access refused - neither confirm nor deny the existence of documents
APP2023-0876 7 November 2022

For the period 4 March 1995 to 27 October 1997 relating to Wilson and John Oxley Youth Detention Centres:
1. manuals, policies and guidelines relating to daily operations (including working instructions for detention centre staff);
2. manuals, policies and guidelines relating to staff training and discipline; and
3. manuals, policies and guidelines relating to discipline of young people.

Application withdrawn
APP2023-1445 26 October 2022

Infant life protection records in relation to a specified person.

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy
APP2023-1428 25 October 2022

Child Protection Procedures Manual from 2000.

Application withdrawn
APP2023-1300 13 October 2022

Documents relating to the Toowoomba South Child Safety Service Centre which include a reference to one or more of the following:
1. staffing levels each month respectively between 1 November 2021 and 30 September 2022; and/or
2. the number of Safety Assessments completed each month respectively between 1 November 2021 and 30 September 2022.

Application finalised Documents for release
APP2023-1300 (PDF, 5.4 MB)

Alison Sandy (Applicant)

Seven Network Limited (Entity)

APP2023-1266 11 October 2022

1. Documents relating to restorative justice conferencing
2. The number of restorative justice conferences that have taken place in Queensland as part of the justice process
Time frame: 1 January 2018 to 11 October 2022

Application withdrawn
APP2023-1265 11 October 2022

The planning process for the review into the new youth justice reforms (passed in Parliament in April 2021), headed by former commissioner Bob Atkinson.

As well as any correspondence of Mr Atkinson's report within the department, in the aftermath of Mr Atkinson handing his report over to the youth justice department.

Refusal to deal – all documents exempt
APP2023-1264 11 October 2022

The following documents (including emails, memos, reports, whatsapp messages and texts) in relation to the new suite of youth justice reforms, passed through Parliament in April 2021:

  • the number of youths in Queensland who have been fitted with GPS trackers since the reforms were passed in April 2021 to today.
  • the detail of the intensive supervision measures that were implemented in the conditional bail program since the reforms were passed. As well as details of the number of offenders who have fallen under those intensive supervision measures since April 2021.
  • details of the intensive support that has been given to families since the reforms were passed in April 2021.
  • details of the number of young offenders who have had the presumption against bail in the courts given to them since the reforms were passed.
  • details of the number of young offenders that the courts have sought assurances from parents before they have been released on bail, since the reforms were implemented.
Application withdrawn
APP2023-1089 22 September 2022

Documents such as audits, ministerial/executive briefings and attachments, reports, executive meeting minutes, and reviews held by Office of the Director-General, Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs and Office of the Deputy Director-General/Chief Operating Officer, Service Delivery (Child and Family Specialist) relating to one or more of the following:

1. Staff shortage
2. Trouble filling rosters
3. Issues covering the workload

Date range: 1 January 2021 to 22 September 2022

Details from status column:

Due to size constraints, a copy of the documents for this application cannot be published on the disclosure log. You can obtain a copy of the released documents by emailing a request with the application reference number APP2023-1089, to rti@csyw.qld.gov.au.

Application finalised

Alison Sandy (Applicant)

Seven Network Limited (Entity)

APP2023-1032 16 September 2022

Child safety documents in relation to a specified person for the period 1 March 2022 to 31 March 2022.

Application withdrawn
APP2023-0864 6 September 2022

Child Safety documents in relation to specified people.

Currently being processed
APP2023-0734 30 August 2022

Documents in relation to the processing of a specified request made under the Right to Information Act 2009.

Application withdrawn
APP2023-0610 16 August 2022

Child safety documents in relation to a specified person.

Access refused - neither confirm nor deny the existence of documents
APP2023-0416 11 August 2022

1. Specified documents relating to the applicant; and

2. Referral numbers to a specified service provider between 2019 and 2022.

Finalised – documents contain personal information of the applicant
APP2023-0521 10 August 2022

Child Safety documents in relation to specified people.

Access refused - neither confirm nor deny the existence of documents
APP2023-0507 8 August 2022

Child safety documents in relation to a specified person.

Finalised – documents contain personal information of the applicant
APP2023-0297 28 July 2022

For the period 18 July 2021 to 18 July 2022 regarding young people/children being held in police watch houses:

  1. the number of young people/children who have been held in police watch houses;
  2. how much time, on average, young people have been held in police watch houses across the state, including a breakdown of locations across the state and longest time held

For the period 8 October 2021 to 18 July 2022 regarding young people/children being held in police watch houses:

  1. correspondence between the department and the premier and/or premier's office;
  2. correspondence between the department and the Minister for Children and Youth Justice and/or Minister's office (excluding 'daily' emails); and
  3. complaints or concerns raised by young people or their representatives (excluding original complaint forms completed by young people).

For the period of 1 January 2021 to 18 July 2022 regarding young people/children being held in police watch houses:

  1. Office of the Public Guardian visitation reports for young people/children; and
  2. reports about young people/children being held in police watch houses because no other accommodation was available (excluding 'daily' emails).

Excluding media employee names.

Application finalised Documents for release
APP2023-0297 (PDF, 2.5 MB)
APP2023-0115 12 July 2022

Infant life protection records in relation to a specified person.

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2023-0004 4 July 2022

Specified documents in relation to foster or kinship carers who do not have a working with vulnerable people clearance.

Timeframe: 27 June 2020 to 27 June 2022

Access refused
APP2022-4107 15 June 2022

Specified historical child protection policies, procedures and manuals between 1991 and 2006.

Application withdrawn
APP2022-3878 27 May 2022

1. Specified youth justice documents relating to the applicant.
2. The following documents in relation to Brisbane Youth Detention Centre for the period 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2016
a) Policy and manuals in relation to strip searches;
b) Staff policy and procedure manual; and
c) List of staff.

Application finalised Documents for release
APP2022-3878 (PDF, 6.1 MB)

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

Isobel Hall / Chamberlains Law Firm (Entity)

APP2022-3787 19 May 2022

Infant life protection records.

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2022-3484 22 April 2022

The current Child Safety Practice Manual and all associated policies.

From 1 January 2008 the emergency contact information for regional and district supervisors attached to:

  • Ipswich Child Safety Service Centre;
  • Stones Corner Child Safety Service Centre; and
  • Fortitude Valley Child Safety Service Centre.
Application withdrawn
APP2022-3388 12 April 2022

Child safety documents in relation to a specified person.

Access refused
APP2022-3325 7 April 2022

Electronic child safety documents relating to the applicant.

Finalised – documents contain personal information of the applicant
APP2022-2920 5 April 2022

Documents relating to the Department's decision to discontinue using a specified service provider between the period 1 September 2013 to 31 September 2020.

Application withdrawn
APP2022-2941 24 March 2022

Electronic child safety documents in relation to specified people.

Finalised – documents contain personal information of the applicant

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2022-3068 18 March 2022
  1. Electronic child safety documents in relation to the applicant as a child during a specified time period.
  2. Child Safety documents in relation to specified persons.
Finalised – documents contain personal information of the applicant
APP2022-2654 10 February 2022

Infant life protection records.

Access refused
APP2022-1960 4 February 2022

Specified electronic child safety documents relating to the applicant.

Finalised – documents contain personal information of the applicant
APP2022-2459 24 January 2022

Documents in relation to the Caloundra Youth Remand Centre regarding building works, progress, tenders, fencing, contracts and costs.

Date range: 1 November 2021 to 24 January 2022.

Excluding specified media employee names and contact information.

Notes from status column:

Due to size constraints, a copy of the documents for this application cannot be published on the disclosure log. You can obtain a copy of the released documents by emailing a request with the application reference number APP2022-2459, to rti@csyw.qld.gov.au.

Application finalised

Jarrod Bleijie MP; Member for Kawana (Applicant)

APP2022-2458 24 January 2022

Documents in relation to the Caloundra Youth Remand Centre regarding building works, progress, tenders, fencing, contracts and costs.

Date range: 1 November 2021 to 24 January 2022.

Excluding specified media employee names and contact information.

Application finalised Documents for release
APP2022-2458 (PDF, 17 MB)

Jarrod Bleijie MP; Member for Kawana (Applicant)

APP2022-2321 10 January 2022

Specified communications to or from the Minister's Office relating to the Caloundra Youth Remand Centre.

Date range: 1 March 2021 – 31 December 2021

Application finalised Documents for release
APP2022-2321 (PDF, 17.1 MB)

Matt Tapsall (Applicant)

Leader of the Opposition (Entity)

APP2022-2130 14 December 2021

Specified Queensland State Archives documents.

Access refused - no documents
APP2022-2059 8 December 2021

Surveillance footage from Cleveland Youth Detention Centre in relation to specified incidents which occurred on specified days.

Refusal to deal – all documents exempt
APP2022-2058 8 December 2021

For the period 1 July 2020 to 8 December 2021:

  1. Full finalised and approved quarterly inspection reports for Cleveland Youth Detention Centre;
  2. Quarterly youth detention centre harm, complaint and investigations reports to the extent they relate to complaints of inappropriate touching, sexual harassment and/or sexual abuse to young people by staff at CYDC;
  3. Complaints, issues or concerns raised by children or their representatives in relation to children being held in watch houses in the Northern Policing region; and
  4. Reports, emails, memos and ministerial briefings in relation to children being held in watch houses in the Northern Policing region because other suitable accommodation was not available.
Application finalised Documents for release
APP2022-2058 (PDF, 15.2 MB)

Ashley Pillhofer (Applicant)

News Corp (Entity)

APP2022-1238 7 December 2021

Child safety and youth justice documents in relation to a specified person

Finalised – documents contain personal information of the applicant
APP2022-1873 19 November 2021
  1. Investigative reports regarding claims of physical abuse, and/or sexual abuse that occurred within the period 1 January 2011 - 31 December 2014 alleged to have been perpetrated by named persons.
  2. Documents, memos, filenotes, letters, transcripts relied upon in the generation of the reports.
Access refused - neither confirm nor deny the existence of documents
APP2022-1809 15 November 2021

Pre-adoption documents in relation to a specified person.

Application withdrawn
APP2022-1190 26 October 2021
  1. The following documents relating to Child Protection Officers (or historically equivalent) employed at the Charleville Child Safety Service Centre between 1 January 1992 and 31 December 1996:
    • The position description relating to advertised positions;
    • Internal protocols or guidelines relating to the maximum number of child protection files that should be allocated to each officer;
    • Documents recording the actual number of child safety files allocated to officers;
    • Departmental practices, policies, procedures and/or protocols relating to the recording of child abuse / child harm notifications, concerns and investigations;
    • Documents relating to safeguards and audit controls to ensure accurate record keeping and investigations by child protection officers; and
    • Departmental letters or memos warning officers against complacency and/or against failing to investigate reports of harm to children placed under care and control and/or care and protection.
  2. Documents relating to complaints made by former children in care about inadequate record keeping by Child Safety Officers (or historically equivalent) employed at the Charleville Child Safety Service Centre between 1 January 1992 and 31 December 1996, including:
    • The number of complaints;
    • The nature of the complaints; and
    • The response to the complaint.
Access refused - no documents
APP2022-1138 8 October 2021

Infant life protection records.

Access refused - no documents
APP2022-1209 5 October 2021
  1. For the period 1 January 2021 to 5 October 2021 and in relation to children or young people being held in police watch houses:
    1. Complaints, issues or concerns raised by children, young people or their representatives;
    2. Correspondence between the department and
      1. the Premier (or her office); or
      2. the Minister for Children and Youth Justice and Minister for Multicultural Affairs (or her office).
  2. For the period 1 June 2021 to 5 October 2021:
    1. Visitation reports relating to children or young people being held in police watch houses; and
    2. Reports in relation to children or young people being held in police watch houses because other suitable accommodation was not available.
Application finalised Documents for release
APP2022-1209 (PDF, 8 MB)

Michael Atkin (Applicant)

ABC News (Entity)

APP2022-1075 24 September 2021

Infant life protection records.

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2022-0957 22 September 2021

Infant life protection records.

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2022-0956 14 September 2021
  1. For the period 1 July 2020 to 14 September 2021, documents, specifically ministerial/executive briefing notes, correspondence including emails, reports, relating to new staff members who were appointed between 1 July 2020 to 14 September 2021 to work in or for one or more of the following:
    • the Premier's Office;
    • as media/communications officers in the Department; or
    • Digital.
  2. A list of current staff members employed by the Department who currently work for either:
    • The Premier's office;
    • As a media/communications officer in the Department; or
    • Digital.
Application finalised Documents for release
APP2022-0956 (PDF, 23.7 MB)
APP2022-0421 10 September 2021
  1. Copies of any memos, filenotes, written warnings, adverse actions taken against Sir Leslie Wilson staff for the period 1 January 1989 to 31 December 1997;
  2. copies of any memos, filenotes, written warnings, adverse actions taken against Westbrook staff for the period 1 January 1989 to 31 December 1997; and
  3. copies of any training manuals, written protocols, guidelines, formal notices regarding the protection of children from harm whilst they were remanded at Sir Leslie Wilson and Westbrook for the period 1 January 1992 to 31 December 1996.
Application withdrawn
APP2022-0349 24 August 2021

Policies, procedures and manuals for the period 1 January 1997 to 31 December 2006 in relation to:

  1. Selection, training and education of foster carers;
  2. training, education and monitoring of children in care; and
  3. complaints regarding physical abuse, sexual abuse or psychological abuse suffered by children in care.
Application withdrawn
APP2022-0598 18 August 2021

Covid 19 pandemic plan in relation to workplace rules and directions for staff regarding Brisbane Youth Detention Centre.

Application finalised Documents for release
APP2022-0598 (PDF, 8.5 MB)

George Videla (Applicant)

APP2022-0303 16 August 2021

Infant life protection records.

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2022-0282 16 August 2021

Infant life protection records.

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2022-0520 12 August 2021

Documents in relation to the Director-General and their expenses specifically;

  • ministerial briefings and attachments;
  • reports;
  • audits;
  • reviews relating to reimbursements and/or reconciliation claims; and
  • credit card statements (also include credit card statements of the credit card held by their executive assistant).
  • emails of the actual reimbursement claim to also be included, which would also include whether it was approved or not.

Timeframe: 1 July 2020 - 12 August 2021

Access refused - no documents
APP2022-0386 3 August 2021

Infant life protection records.

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2022-0307 27 July 2021

Specified institution files in relation to Kingswood Lodge, Berrinba.

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy

Sean Gomes (Applicant)

Churches of Christ in Queensland (Entity)

APP2022-0212 27 July 2021

Report of an Inquiry into a Death in Custody, Parts I and II, January 1999, conducted by T Macdermott, Senior Policy Adviser, Juvenile Justice, DFYCC, L Watson (independent indigenous representative) and L Burgess (independent community representative).

Access refused

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2022-0154 13 July 2021

Legal documents relating to a specified person.

Application withdrawn

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2022-0142 13 July 2021

Infant life protection records.

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2021-4059 15 June 2021

Outcome and economic evaluation of restorative justice conferencing completed by KPMG.

Application finalised Documents for release
APP2021-4059 (PDF, 17 MB)

Thea Deakin-Greenwood (Applicant)

Transforming Justice Australia (Entity)

APP2021-3874 1 June 2021

In relation to a specified person:

  • Infant life protection records; and
  • Child safety documents.
Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2021-3849 31 May 2021

Child Safety client files relating to a named person.

Application withdrawn

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

Kimia Zarei/ Fisher Dore Lawyers (Entity)

APP2021-3824 27 May 2021

Institutional files in relation to Mackay Family Group Home for the period 1 January 1976 to 31 December 2000.

Application finalised Documents for release
APP2021-3824 (PDF, 3.6 MB)

Sean Gomes (Applicant)

Churches of Christ in Queensland (Entity)

APP2021-3823 27 May 2021

Institutional files in relation to John Thompson House for the period 1 January 1980 to 31 December 1998.

Application finalised Documents for release
APP2021-3823 (PDF, 1.7 MB)

Sean Gomes (Applicant)

Churches of Christ in Queensland (Entity)

APP2021-4105 21 May 2021

Infant life protection records.

Access refused

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2021-3465 14 May 2021

Instructions, manuals, guidelines, policies and directives in relation to partially clothed searches.

Application finalised Documents for release
APP2021-3465 (PDF, 5.3 MB)

Cassandra Hamill (Applicant)

Human Rights Law Centre (Entity)

APP2021-3424 28 April 2021

For the period 1 January 1965 to 31 December 1970, the following youth justice documents:

  1. Youth justice client files in relation to a named person, including staff names; and
  2. Complaints made in relation to Wilson Youth Hospital and/or staff at Wilson Youth Hospital.
Application finalised Documents for release
APP2021-3424 (PDF, 748 KB)

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

Peter Glover / United Legal (Entity)

APP2021-3074 25 March 2021

Adoption records relating to a specified person.

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2021-2989 17 March 2021

Reports submitted by the contractors in relation to the following tenders:

  • Review of Conditional Bail Programs (DYJ168)
  • Evaluation of the Legal Advocacy and Bail Support Services (DYJ167)
  • Review of Adolescent Sexual Offending Services (DYJ112)
Application withdrawn

Rachel Riga (Applicant)

ABC News (Entity)

APP2021-2980 17 March 2021

For the period 1 June 2019 to 17 March 2021:

  1. Full quarterly inspection reports for Cleveland Youth Detention Centre and Brisbane Youth Detention Centre
  2. Complaints received about strip searches, body searches and partially clothed searches carried out on young people in youth detention centres
  3. Complaints received about inappropriate touching, sexual harassment and/or sexual abuse/behaviour by youth detention staff
  4. Reviews, investigations or disciplinary procedures conducted about strip searches, body searches and partially clothed searches carried out on young people in youth detention centres
  5. Documents relating to the need and use of Body Orifice Security Scanner (BOSS) for conducting searches on young people in youth detention from 1 June 2019 until present


  • Quarterly inspection reports which do not refer to strip searches, body searches and partially clothed searches
  • Draft reports
  • Duplicate documents
Application finalised Documents for release
APP2021-2980 (PDF, 83.3 MB)

Michael Atkin (Applicant)

ABC News (Entity)

APP2021-2650 2 March 2021

Infant life protection records.

Access refused

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2021-2659 1 March 2021

Infant life protection records.

Access refused

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2021-2660 19 February 2021

Infant life protection records.

Access refused

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2021-2248 10 February 2021

Records in relation to a specified individual's placement at Wilson Youth Hospital and the Farm Home for Boys, Westbrook.

Access refused

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2021-2466 4 February 2021
  • Any document containing the number of young people on community-based and custodial orders in Queensland living with a disability;
  • departmental operational guideline, policy and procedure on disability identification for young people on supervision, community or detention orders;
  • tools used by departmental staff to identify disability for young people;
  • any document recording the number of people with disability in a youth detention facility at Jan 2021;
  • any document recording the number of people Youth Justice has supported to meet access in the 19/20 financial year, split by supervision, community and detention orders;
  • any document that lists the number of young people on orders who are eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS);
  • any document listing how many young people in detention have $0 or $1 NDIS plans;
  • any spreadsheet detailing the actual expenditure on disability identification in 19/20 financial year;
  • any spreadsheet detailing the funding committed to disability identification in the 20/21 financial year;
  • any document detailing the full time equivalent (FTE) positions dedicated to coordinating access, collecting reports gaining evidence of permanence and functional capacity, and arranging planning meetings, for young people on community and custodial orders needing access to NDIS;
  • any document providing an estimate of the number of hours clinical teams spend on producing reports to support young people to meet access to NDIS;
  • any document that outline the positions within Youth Justice which support young people to exercise their review rights under the NDIS;
  • any document that details how Youth Justice make planning meetings, meetings with support coordinators, NDIS-funded therapists, accessible to young people in custody;
  • any de-identified document listing average time spent in a detention setting for young people without a disability;
  • any de-identified document listing average time spent in a detention setting for young people with a disability;
  • any document detailing the age of the youngest person with a disability held in a detention facility in 2020;
  • any de-identified document that details the longest consecutive length of time young people of unsound mind or young people unfit to plea have spent in a youth detention facility since 2017;
  • any document that outlines how Youth Justice plans to make Independent Assessments accessible to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) in 2022;
  • details about those detailed “at risk” by NDIA being exempt for Independent Assessments; and
  • any communiques between the Department and the NDIA regarding “at risk” young people.
Application finalised Documents for release
APP2021-2466 (PDF, 19.2 MB)

Christopher Coombes (Applicant)

Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (Entity)

APP2021-2320 4 February 2021

A document outlining the funding arrangements for the Brisbane Aboriginal and Islander Child Care Agency (AICCA) and the reasons for discontinuation of funding and/or dissolution.

Application finalised Documents for release
APP2021-2320 (PDF, 2.2 MB)

Marcia Mickelo (Applicant)

APP2021-2456 3 February 2021

Institution files in relation to Frank Gilson House, Maryborough for the period 1 January 1970 to 31 December 2000

Application finalised Documents for release
APP2021-2456 (PDF, 1.7 MB)

Sunitha Abraham (Applicant)

Churches of Christ in Queensland (Entity)

APP2021-0153 27 January 2021

Youth justice client file relating to a specified person and/or complaint documents relating to the Wilson Youth Hospital and/or staff at the Wilson Youth Hospital.

Application withdrawn

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2021-2362 25 January 2021

Infant life protection records.

Access refused

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2021-1804 16 December 2020

Infant life protection records.

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2021-1971 11 December 2020

Invoices and records of departmental payments made to a specified person.

Application finalised Documents for release
APP2021-1971 (PDF, 426 KB)

oshua Roberts (Applicant)

ABC News (Entity)

APP2021-1944 9 December 2020

Child Safety records about another person.

Access refused

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2021-1762 7 December 2020

Employee file relating to a specified person and investigation documents relating to a specified incident.

Application withdrawn

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2021-1413 23 November 2020

Staff names, institution map and placement documents relating to Westbrook Training Centre during a specified time period.

Finalised – documents contain personal information of the applicant

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2021-1294 23 November 2020

Staff names, institution map and placement documents relating to Westbrook Training Centre during a specified time period.

Finalised – documents contain personal information of the applicant

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2021-1304 19 November 2020

Placement documents, institution map and staff names relating to BYDC during a specified time period.

Finalised – documents contain personal information of the applicant

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2021-1631 16 November 2020

Briefing notes, emails and communications relating to a specified matter.

Finalised – publication would cause substantial harm to an entity

Brad Swan (Applicant)

Life Without Barriers (Entity)

APP2021-1630 16 November 2020

Briefing notes, emails and communications relating to a specified matter.

Finalised – publication would cause substantial harm to an entity

Brad Swan (Applicant)

Life Without Barriers (Entity)

APP2021-1582 12 November 2020

Infant life protection records.

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2021-1223 26 October 2020

Infant life protection records.

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy

Name withheld - publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2024-2120 1 March 2024

Emails, SMS messages, MMS messages, letters, facsimiles, internal memos, notes, diaries, individualised placement and support agreements, and any other documents recording all communications within the Department including communications by messages on Microsoft Teams or other instant messaging platforms used by the Department from 1 January 2022 relating to:
1. the provision of Elyte Alliance’s services to the Department;
2. the payments to and disbursement of monies from the Department to Elyte Alliance;
3. the termination of any contract, agreement and/or individualised placement and support agreement and the reasons for the termination; and
4. the complaint, concern and/or issue with Elyte Alliance’s services to the Department if at all

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy

Mr Joseph Lee, TCW Lawyers (Applicant)

Breakthrough Behaviour Transformations Pty Ltd trading as Elyte Alliance (Entity)

APP2024-2964 1 July 2024

Queensland State Archives file

Finalised – documents contain personal information of the applicant

Name Withheld - Publication of applicant's name would invade their privacy (Applicant)

APP2024-2893 17 June 2024

Infant life protection documents in relation to a specified person.

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy

Ms Lauren Scheiwe (Applicant)

Link-Up (QLD) Aboriginal Corporation (Entity)

APP2024-2570 9 May 2024

Child Safety documents relating to a specified child.

Finalised – publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy

Mr Peter Featherstone (Applicant)

Lehmann Featherstone Lawyers (Entity)