Applications received prior to November 2020
File number | Date valid | Terms of request |
DL01 | 27 February 2013 | Any documents, including reports, audits, review, emails (plus attachments), briefing notes and memos, since January 1 2012, relating to the employment of staff who either had a criminal conviction/s prior to employment, or were charged with criminal offences after employment. Please include the type of the offence, the date of the offence, the outcome of the charge and any action taken by the department. Please also include the area they work in, ie. finance, nursing etc. |
DL02 | 1 March 2013 | All correspondence to or from or in relation to Santo Santoro or Santo Santoro Consulting held by the Office of the Minister excluding documents to and from Waratah Coal Pty Ltd, Fairway Coal Pty Ltd, Styx Coal Pty Ltd, Mineralogy Pty Ltd, Queensland Nickel Pty Ltd, Clive Frederick Palmer and publicly available documents. |
DL03 | 5 March 2013 | Information on family member. |
DL04 | 5 March 2013 | All information regarding family member. |
DL05 | 7 March 2013 | Any information relating to self and family members. |
DL06 | 11 March 2013 | All information regarding family member. |
DL07 | 26 February 2013 | Maintenance payments sought by family member. |
DL08 | 13 March 2013 | All and any documents, emails, notes and correspondence including minutes relating to Direct Care Resources' 2008 and 2012 Licence for a Care Service applications for the South West, South East, Brisbane and Central regions. All and any documents, emails and correspondences including minutes relating to Direct Care Resources' Licence for a Care Service applications concerning and/or referring to Community Link Australia, Australian Healthcare Associates and the Institute for Healthy Communities Australia Limited. All and any documents, emails and correspondences including minutes relating to Direct Care Resources' commercial, business or working relationships with the department's corporate office, regional offices and child safety service centres including but not limited to client referrals and placements. |
DL09 | 15 March 2013 | All documents relating to family members. |
DL10 | 14 March 2013 | All documents about adoption. |
DL11 | 15 March 2013 | Adoption documents. |
DL12 | 18 March 2013 | Documents about family members. |
DL13 | 20 March 2013 | Adoption documents. |
DL14 | 19 March 2013 | Historical adoption records. |
DL15 | 22 March 2013 | All information relating to self and family member. |
DL16 | 22 March 2013 | "Facilitated Communication and Augmented and Alternative Communication: A Review"- report commissioned by the department from Griffith University's Paul Mazerolle and Margot Legosz, 2012. |
DL17 | 25 March 2013 | Documents relating to self and family member. |
DL18 | 27 March 2013 | Adoption documents. |
DL19 | 3 April 2013 | Documents relating to self and family members. |
DL20 | 3 April 2013 | Documents relating to self and family members. |
DL21 | 5 April 2013 | Historical record relating to a family member. |
DL22 | 2 April 2013 | Adoption records. |
DL23 | 4 April 2013 |
DL24 | 27 March 2013 | Documents relating to the fostering or wardship of an individual. |
DL25 | 16 April 2013 | Documents relating to the birth and adoption of an individual. |
DL26 | 11 April 2013 |
DL27 | 16 April 2013 | Adoption records. |
DL28 | 18 April 2013 | Documents relating to an individuals time in care and adoption records. |
DL29 | 19 April 2013 | All documents relating to the Regional Community Association Moreton Bay. |
DL30 | 19 April 2013 | All documents of the Office of the Minister for Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services relating to the Regional Community Association Moreton Bay. |
DL31 | 18 April 2013 | All documents about grants paid to Silky Oaks Children's Haven in 2007/2008; including in relation to grant acquittals. |
DL32 | 23 April 2013 | All briefing notes between the Director-General and the Minister since January 1 2012. |
DL33 | 16 April 2013 | Adoption records. |
DL34 | 3 May 2013 | Adoption documents. |
DL35 | 17 May 2013 | Historical records of a family member's time in care. |
DL36 | 22 May 2013 | Adoption records. |
DL37 | 5 June 2013 | Adoption documents and information relating to a family member. |
DL38 | 19 June 2013 | Information relating to self and family members. |
DL39 | 24 June 2013 | For the period 1 June 2012- 24 June 2013:
DL40 | 25 June 2013 | Any documents, including reports, ministerial briefing notes, audits, memos and emails relating to the distribution or allocation of payments to Queensland prisoners through the State Government's Redress Scheme, which was introduced in 2007. Without limiting the application, documents should include:
DL41 | 5 July 2013 | Documents relating to an individuals time in care and adoption records. |
DL42 | 5 July 2013 |
DL43 | 8 July 2013 | Adoption documents. |
DL44 | 23 July 2013 |
DL45 | 29 July 2013 | Documents relating to family members. |
DL46 | 24 April 2013 | Documents produced in the last 2 years containing information about incidents where children have been left unattended while their parents or carers gambled. |
DL47 | 9 May 2013 | Ministerial briefing notes, summary reports and audits relating to Matters of Concern since 1 January 2011. |
DL48 | 5 August 2013 | Adoption documents. |
DL49 | 6 August 2013 | With regard to the Brisbane region, all and any documents (including policies and procedures), emails, notes and correspondence including minutes, excluding those on client files, relating to Direct Care Resources:
DL50 | 21 August 2013 | Any document regarding directions or a guide sent by the Executive Correspondence Team, Office of the Director-General or any Office of the Deputy-Director General regarding instructions or guide of how briefing material and correspondence should be drafted for the minister for Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services. |
DL51 | 22 August 2013 | Adoption documents. |
DL52 | 21 August 2013 | All information regarding family member. |
DL53 | 23 September 2013 | Adoption documents. |
DL54 | 23 September 2013 | Documents relating to a Nation Building Social Housing grant for $4.2 million to Banana Shire Emergency Accommodation and Support Centre. |
DL55 | 2 October 2013 | Documents relating to family member. |
DL56 | 11 October 2013 | Adoption documents. |
DL57 | 17 October 2013 | Adoption documents. |
DL58 | 25 October 2013 | Documents relating to a family member. |
DL59 | 11 November 2013 | Adoption documents. |
DL60 | 21 November 2013 | Adoption documents. |
DL61 | 19 November 2013 | Documents relating to a family member. |
DL62 | 20 December 2013 | Adoption documents. |
DL63 | 23 December 2013 | Adoption documents. |
DL64 | 23 December 2013 | Documents in relation to Staff Opinion Survey in North Coast Region. |
DL65 | 6 February 2014 | Documents in relation to setting up a Community Recovery Centre in 2011. |
DL66 | 23 January 2014 | Adoption documents. |
DL67 | 23 January 2014 | Adoption documents. |
DL68 | 19 December 2013 | Documents produced since 24 March 2012 containing any information about incidents or occasions of harassment and/or bullying and/or abusive behaviour, including swearing, involving the Minister for Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services and/or Ministerial staff and/or any other Minister in contact with the Office of the Minister for Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services. |
DL69 | 24 January 2014 | Adoption documents. |
DL70 | 28 January 2014 | Signed final memorandums for approval (excluding attachments) relating to grant funding for organisations, including non-government and not-for-profit organisations approved by the Director-General or Minister for Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services in the period 1 July 2012 - 28 January 2014. |
DL71 | 7 February 2014 | Adoption documents. |
DL72 | 10 February 2014 | Documents relating to a family member. |
DL73 | 27 February 2014 | Adoption documents. |
DL74 | 14 March 2014 | Adoption documents. |
DL75 | 12 March 2014 | Documents relating to a third party. |
DL76 | 24 March 2014 | Number of child protection reports from both private and state schools in relation to student on student sexual abuse during 2013. |
DL77 | 14 April 2014 | Adoption documents. |
DL78 | 23 April 2014 | Employment documents. |
DL79 | 24 April 2014 | Information relating to self and family member. |
DL80 | 8 May 2014 | All documents relating to grants paid to Silky Oaks Children's Haven for the financial year 2012-13, including detail on how funds were used by the organisation. |
DL81 | 9 May 2014 | Documents relating to an individuals time in care. |
DL82 | 20 May 2014 | Documents relating to a third party. |
DL83 | 23 May 2014 | Documents relating to self and family members. |
DL84 | 28 May 2014 | Briefing notes, reports and other documents stemming from the review into the Regional Community Association Moreton Bay as outlined by the Minister for Health in his answer to Parliamentary Question on Notice 166 of 2014. |
DL85 | 27 May 2014 | Documents relating to self and family member. |
DL86 | 2 June 2014 | Documents relating to family member. |
DL87 | 10 June 2014 | Documents relating to self and family members. |
DL88 | 5 June 2014 | Documents relating to self and family members. |
DL89 | 2 July 2014 | Adoption documents. |
DL90 | 2 July 2014 | Adoption documents. |
DL91 | 1 July 2014 | 1. Documents relating to the planning and implementation process with respect to the transition of disability service providers at a particular location; and 2. Employment documents. |
DL92 | 2 July 2014 | Child safety documents. |
DL93 | 14 July 2014 | Adoption documents. |
DL94 | 14 July 2014 | Adoption documents. |
DL95 | 17 July 2014 | Time in care and adoption documents. |
DL96 | 30 July 2014 | Adoption documents. |
DL97 | 16 July 2014 | Adoption documents. |
DL98 | 6 August 2014 | Adoption documents. |
DL99 | 15 August 2014 | Outcome letter in relation to a complaint matter. |
DL100 | 26 August 2014 | Credit card statements and receipts relating to the Director-General's expenses for the period 26 March 2012 – 26 August 2014. |
DL101 | 4 September 2014 | Adoption documents. |
DL102 | 1 September 2014 | Correspondence received by the department in March 2014 resulting in enquiries to a service provider by the North Queensland region and referenced as 'enquiries from interested parties'. |
DL103 | 29 October 2014 | Disability documents relating to a family member. |
DL104 | 17 November 2014 | Adoption documents. |
DL105 | 18 November 2014 | Disability service documents relating to a third party. |
DL106 | 15 December 2014 | Disability service documents relating to a third party. |
DL107 | 6 January 2015 | Employment documents. |
DL108 | 8 January 2015 | Documents relating to a family member. |
DL109 | 15 January 2015 | Documents regarding practices, policies and procedures for residential care in Queensland children's institutions, with respect to government and non-government, licensed and non-licensed institutions, for the period 1961-2001 and in particular relating to BoysTown Beaudesert. |
DL110 | 20 January 2015 | Adoption and time in care documents. |
DL111 | 20 January 2015 | All documents relating to the Service Grant to Silky Oaks for 2014/2015, including how the grant was disbursed across the Cottages. |
DL112 | 29 January 2015 | Adoption documents. |
DL113 | 10 March 2015 | Adoption documents. |
DL114 | 23 February 2015 | For the period 1 January 2012 - 23 February 2015, reports, Ministerial and executive briefing material, CCTV recordings, photos and correspondence relating to emergent placements for children in care including the cost, details of where they stayed and for how long, incidents while in emergent accommodation and the outcome upon release from emergent accommodation. |
DL115 | 25 March 2015 | Disability service documents relating to a third party. |
DL116 | 31 March 2015 | Adoption documents. |
DL117 | 2 April 2015 | Results summary from disability services stakeholder satisfaction survey 2014. |
DL118 | 14 April 2015 | In the last two years any performance and/or financial audits and/or assessments of accommodation services and housing services. |
DL119 | 14 April 2015 | For the period 14 April 2010 – 14 April 2015, any cases or suspected cases of “Munchausen by proxy” including factual information such as:
DL120 | 19 May 2015 | Adoption documents. |
DL121 | 7 May 2015 | Adoption documents. |
DL122 | 5 June 2015 | Employment documents. |
DL123 | 9 June 2015 | Documents, specifically reports, ministerial briefing notes and attachments, submissions, since June 30, 2013, relating to: 1. Changes that have come about as a result of the Carmody Inquiry; and 2. Abuse of children in State care. |
DL124 | 10 June 2015 | Funding documents |
DL125 | 24 June 2015 | Documents detailing how funding granted to Silky Oaks Childrens Haven was spent in the financial years 2013-14 and 2014-15 (to date), specifically with respect to Alexander Cottage and Bay Cottage. |
DL126 | 22 June 2015 | Adoption documents. |
DL127 | 28 July 2015 | Disability service documents relating to a third party. |
DL128 | 14 July 2015 | Reports, Ministerial briefing notes and attachments, executive briefing notes and attachments, case summaries, photos and CCTV, in relation to alleged staff behaviour that may have affected the quality of disability care for the period 1 January 2013 – 30 June 2015. |
DL129 | 20 August 2015 | Complaints and investigation documents. |
DL130 | 11 August 2015 | Child Safety documents. |
DL131 | 24 September 2015 | Child Safety documents. |
DL132 | 26 October 2015 | Adoption documents. |
DL133 | 28 October 2015 | All correspondence, including but not limited to emails, memos, letters, briefing notes and reports, within the Minister's office relating to the Member for Cook and/or the Cook Electorate Office for the period I July 2015 to 27 October 2015. |
DL134 | 28 October 2015 | All correspondence, including but not limited to emails, memos, letters, briefing notes and reports, within the Minister's office relating to the Member for Cook and/or the Cook Electorate Office for the period I July 2015 to 27 October 2015. |
DL135 | 3 November 2015 | Adoption documents. |
DL136 | 2 November 2015 | Documents relating to Service Agreement with a service provider including correspondence, memos of attendances and phone calls, emails to/from the department and internal memos for the period 1 January 2014 to 2 November 2015. |
DL137 | 11 November 2015 | Child safety documents relating to a family member. |
DL138 | 18 November 2015 | Adoption and time in care documents. |
DL139 | 19 November 2015 | All correspondence (including letters and emails) and notes of telephone conversations between the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services and Silky Oaks Children's Haven in response to applicant's letters to the Minister between 1 February 2015 and 19 November 2015. |
DL140 | 19 November 2015 | Child Safety documents. |
DL141 | 20 January 2016 | Child safety documents. |
DL142 | 21 January 2016 | Child safety documents. |
DL143 | 27 January 2016 | Adoption documents. |
DL144 | 16 February 2016 | Disability service documents relating to a family member. |
DL145 | 22 February 2016 | All emails, memos, and briefing notes between:
regarding child protection performance data concerning the operations of Child Safety (including regional operations). |
DL146 | 7 March 2016 | Adoption documents. |
DL147 | 9 February 2016 | Child safety records. |
DL148 | 5 April 2016 | Documents relating to a non-government organisation. |
DL149 | 11 April 2016 | Adoption records. |
DL150 | 6 April 2016 | Adoption records. |
DL151 | 26 April 2016 | Any emails between staff in the Office of the Minister for Communities, Women and Youth, Minister for Child Safety and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence (including with or from the Minister) that mention 'Springborg, LNP and voting' from 8.30pm on 21 April 2016 - 24 April 2016. |
DL152 | 26 April 2016 | Any emails between staff in the Office of the Minister for Disability Services and Seniors and Minister Assisting the Premier on North Queensland (including with or from the Minister) that mention 'Springborg, LNP and voting' from 8.30pm on 21 April 2016 - 24 April 2016. |
DL153 | 4 May 2016 | Adoption records. |
DL154 | 26 May 2016 | Documents about a third party issue. |
DL155 | 28 June 2016 | Adoption records. |
DL156 | 12 July 2016 | Employment documents. |
DL157 | 11 July 2016 | Adoption records. |
DL158 | 18 July 2016 | Employment documents. |
DL159 | 28 July 2016 | For the period 1 January 2016 - 28 July 2016, all level 1 critical incident reports relating to a child death (de-identified) generated and provided to the Office of the Director-General and any related briefing notes, emails, talking points or correspondence for each critical incident report and any related materials as provided to the Minister from the Director-General. |
DL160 | 18 August 2016 | Documents relating to a non-Government organisation. |
DL161 | 23 August 2016 | For the period 1 July 2015 – 30 June 2016, reports of the Child Death Case Review panel relating to children subject to Intervention with Parental Agreement and any internal briefing notes, talking points or emails referring to each case review. |
DL162 | 25 August 2016 | Information about emergency placements for children in State care including the cost, details of where they stayed and for how long, incidents while in the emergency accommodation and the outcome upon exit from the emergency accommodation. |
DL163 | 24 August 2016 | Child safety records. |
DL164 | 17 August 2016 | Current policies, directives, guidelines, checklists, training materials and other instructions relating to:
DL165 | 1 September 2016 | Documents relating to a non-Government organisation. |
DL166 | 20 September 2016 | Child safety records. |
DL167 | 27 September 2016 | Child safety records. |
DL168 | 28 September 2016 | Child safety records. |
DL169 | 29 September 2016 | For the period 1 January 2015 - 29 September 2016, Ministerial briefing notes and attachments, reports, photos and CCTV/video footage relating to abuse of children in State care. |
DL170 | 12 October 2016 | Adoption records. |
DL171 | 14 October 2016 | Various documents about a community initiative and interactions with the department. |
DL172 | 27 October 2016 | For the period 1 August – 26 October 2016:
relating to the June 2016 child safety performance data.
DL173 | 25 October 2016 | Adoption records. |
DL174 | 2 November 2016 | Child safety records. |
DL175 | 14 November 2016 | Child safety records. |
DL176 | 18 November 2016 | De-identified individual systems and practice review reports for each child known to the Department who died between 1 October 2015 - 1 November 2016. |
DL177 | 21 November 2016 | Documents showing the number of carers whose carer certificates were suspended or cancelled between 1 November 2011 and 1 November 2016 due to a prohibiting event and details of what the prohibiting event was. |
DL178 | 24 November 2016 | For the period 1 January 2012 - 24 November 2016:
DL179 | 25 November 2016 | Documents relating to a non-government organisation. |
DL180 | 14 November 2016 | Child safety records. |
DL181 | 13 December 2016 | Child safety records. |
DL182 | 21 December 2016 | Adoption records. |
DL183 | 16 December 2016 | Various documents about a community initiative and interactions with the department. |
DL184 | 3 January 2017 | Adoption records. |
DL185 | 11 January 2017 | Procurement documents. |
DL186 | 23 January 2017 | Child safety and adoption records. |
DL187 | 24 January 2017 | 1. Child safety monthly operational dashboard for November and December 2016; 2. Corporate monthly Investigation & Assessment, Ongoing Intervention and placements datasets for November and December 2016. |
DL188 | 31 January 2017 | Child safety and adoption records. |
DL189 | 13 February 2017 | Child safety records. |
DL190 | 27 February 2017 | Adoption records. |
DL191 | 13 February 2017 | Documents relating to a third party issue. |
DL192 | 24 February 2017 | Child safety records. |
DL193 | 6 March 2017 | Disability documents relating to an individual. |
DL194 | 8 March 2017 | Reports relating to a particular child. |
DL195 | 16 March 2017 | Departmental documents relating to an individual. |
DL196 | 20 March 2017 | Adoption records. |
DL197 | 17 March 2017 | Departmental documents relating to an individual. |
DL198 | 28 March 2017 | Report in relation to a named child. |
DL199 | 27 March 2017 | Disability service documents. |
DL200 | 11 April 2017 | All correspondence, including emails, memos and briefing notes between particular dates to and from certain departmental officers in relation to Investigation and Assessment backlog issues. |
DL201 | 11 April 2017 | All reports undertaken by a practice improvement body between particular dates that reviewed the operation of a service centre. |
DL202 | 12 April 2017 | Procurement documents. |
DL203 | 2 May 2017 | Disability documents relating to an individual. |
DL204 | 18 May 2017 | For the period 29 July 2016 - 18 May 2017, all level 1 child safety related critical incident reports relating to a child death (de-identified) generated and provided by regions to the Office of the Director-General and any briefing notes, emails, talking points, text messages or correspondence for each critical incident report or material provided to the Minister's office from the Director-General. |
DL205 | 24 May 2017 | For the period 1 January 2015 - 15 May 2017, documents relating to: 1. Demand, waitlists, shortages and range of residential services delivered by non-government organisations for children in the care of the State of Queensland; 2. Resourcing, staffing levels, volumes, categories of calls and ongoing reporting by the Child Safety After Hours Service Centre. |
DL206 | 24 May 2017 | For the period 1 January 2015 - 15 May 2017, critical incident reports relating to serious property damage in homes in particular service centre boundaries housing children in the care of the State of Queensland; and documents evidencing departmental costs in relation to repairing those properties. |
DL207 | 31 May 2017 | Nominated immigrant file of particular family members. |
DL208 | 5 June 2017 | Report providing value of all grants paid to a particular organisation for financial year 2015 to 2016. |
DL209 | 15 June 2017 | Employment documents. |
DL210 | 2 June 2017 | Child safety records. |
DL211 | 21 June 2017 | Child safety records. |
DL212 | 11 July 2017 | Adoption records. |
DL213 | 4 July 2017 | Documents relating to a service centre for the period 1 August 2016 to 11 April 2017. |
DL214 | 21 July 2017 | Documents relating to an individual. |
DL215 | 17 August 2017 | ILP records. |
DL216 | 30 August 2017 | Documents relating to Forensic Disability Services. |
DL217 | 1 September 2017 | ILP records. |
DL218 | 4 September 2017 | Documents relating to program workshops held from May to July 2017. |
DL219 | 29 August 2017 | Adoption records. |
DL220 | 14 September 2017 | Adoption records. |
DL221 | 15 September 2017 | Adoption records. |
DL222 | 22 September 2017 | ILP records. |
DL223 | 4 October 2017 | For the period 29 July 2016 - 18 May 2017, all level 1 child safety related critical incident reports relating to child deaths (de-identified) generated and provided by regions to the Office of the Director-General and any briefing notes, emails, talking points, text messages or correspondence for each critical incident report or material provided to the Minister's office from the Director-General. |
DL224 | 6 November 2017 | Child safety records. |
DL225 | 10 November 2017 | Adoption records. |
DL226 | 20 November 2017 | For the period 1 July 2017 - 20 November 2017, all executive briefings/meeting minutes and emails to or from the Director-General which refer to the following: “not for media” “not to media” or “not for publication”. |
DL227 | 22 November 2017 | ILP records. |
DL228 | 4 December 2017 | ILP records. |
DL229 | 7 December 2017 | Adoption records. |
DL230 | 8 January 2018 | Emails and/or reports to the Minister and/or Director-General for the period 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2017 detailing the cost of fees and charges to the department for using expired software, and regarding what software had expired. |
DL231 | 10 January 2018 | Emails and/or reports to the Minister and/or Director-General within the 2017 calendar year regarding substantial cyber threats to the department's information system, the number of actual hacks or near hacks and any detailed risk or threat of personal details being unlawfully obtained. |
DL232 | 10 January 2018 | Adoption records. |
DL233 | 16 January 2018 | Adoption records. |
DL234 | 19 January 2018 | Adoption records. |
DL235 | 25 February 2018 | Documents in relation to human resource complaints and allegations about Michael Hogan for period 01/06/2017 to 25/01/2018. |
DL236 | 30 January 2018 | ILP records. |
DL237 | 5 February 2018 | ILP records. |
DL238 | 12 February 2018 | Thirty most recent Ministerial Briefing Notes and attachments for the period prior to and including 23/01/2018 submitted to Minister Farmer that do not concern administrative duties, invitation or event or award proceedings that the Minister has been invited to or needs to respond to, documents designed specifically and used in Cabinet or Parliament, overseas travel reports or correspondence involving the public. |
DL239 | 8 February 2018 | The 2016 statutory review report required under s157 of the Forensic Disability Act 2011, and relevant consultant reports. |
DL240 | 14 February 2018 | Documents regarding any agreements for provision of services between Carramar Receiving and Assessment Centre and the Diocese of Townsville/Franciscan Sisters of Mary (FMM). |
DL241 | 14 February 2018 | Documents regarding any agreements for provision of services between Carramar Receiving and Assessment Centre and the Diocese of Townsville/Franciscan Sisters of Mary (FMM). |
DL242 | 14 February 2018 | Incident reports from Townsville youth detention bail houses for the period 01/01/2018 to 13/02/2018. |
DL243 | 7 February 2018 | Child safety records. |
DL244 | 14 February 2018 | Documents provided to the current and former Youth Justice Minister regarding a recent decision and reasons for this decision, briefing notes, warnings and/or risk assessments and/or potential liability. All documents created for the media strategy and announcement by Minister Farmer of the decision. |
DL245 | 15 February 2018 | ILP records. |
DL246 | 19 February 2018 | Documents regarding the approval process and the decision not to approve an approved service provider. Documents sent externally from the department relating to serious concerns about an approved service provider. Documents regarding an approved service provider that were sent to particular persons regarding the approval/non-approval of this approved service provider. Documents regarding any conflict of interest complaints regarding an approved service provider. Meeting minutes taken by particular persons from a meeting with various agencies and service providers. |
DL247 | 26 February 2018 | Child safety records. |
DL248 | 1 March 2018 | All documents relevant to the visit by Minister Farmer to the Cleveland Youth Detention Centre on 23 January 2018, including any directions, instructions or guidelines given to staff to prepare for the visit, protocol for requests and notes of the visit. |
DL249 | 27 February 2018 | ILP records. |
DL250 | 23 February 2018 | Various documents relating to a community recovery matter. |
DL251 | 22 March 2018 | ILP records. |
DL252 | 15 March 2018 | Documents detailing the total dollar amount spent on food and beverages which have been purchased from external organisations for consumption inside Queensland youth detention centres; a list of organisations from which purchases have been made; and the amount of money spent at each outlet for the period 15 March 2016 - 15 March 2018. |
DL253 | 29 March 2018 | ILP records for a family member. |
DL254 | 28 March 2018 | For the period 1 July 2016 - 28 March 2018, Level 1 Child Safety critical incident reports in respect of child death and related correspondence, Director-General briefing notes, reports, emails, text messages; and any requests for amendment of drafts sent by a recipient to the author of a relevant critical incident report. |
DL255 | 16 April 2018 | Copies of all emails and attachments sent by the Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence and/or her staff from private email accounts to their office for cataloguing between 18 March-16 April 2018. |
DL256 | 16 April 2018 | Copies of all emails and attachments sent by the Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence and/or her staff from private email accounts to their office for cataloguing between 18 March-16 April 2018. |
DL257 | 16 April 2018 | Copies of all emails and attachments sent by the Minister for Communities and Minister for Disability Services and Seniors and/or her staff from private email accounts to their office in accordance with an instruction to forward such private emails to Ministerial offices for cataloguing. |
DL258 | 18 April 2018 | For the period 1 November 2017 - 18 April 2018, costs of flying youth offenders. |
DL259 | 27 April 2018 | Adoption records. |
DL260 | 8 May 2018 | ILP records. |
DL262 | 22 May 2018 | Documents relating to Youth Detention Centres between the period 1 June 2015 and 22 May 2018. |
DL264 | 8 May 2018 | All records relating to particular types of offenders subject to particular orders in a certain Queensland location between 1 January 2016 and 8 May 2018. |
DL263 | 17 May 2018 | Child safety records relating to a family member. |
DL265 | 18 June 2018 | For the period 1 July 2017 - 18 June 2018, documents, reports and emails sent to the Office of the Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence in relation to reasons for the delay in moving 17-year-olds out of adult prisons. |
DL266 | 8 June 2018 | Records provided by St George's Home upon its closure in 1979. |
DL267 | 4 June 2018 | For the period 1 January 2017 - 4 June 2018, audits, ministerial and executive briefings and attachments, reports, executive meeting minutes, internal correspondence limited to the Director-General, Deputy Director-General and Executive Directors relating to removals following suspensions and cancellations for foster and kinship carers. |
DL268 | 28 June 2018 | Audits, ministerial and executive briefings and attachments, reports, executive meeting minutes, internal correspondence limited to the Department Director-General, Deputy Director-General, Executive Directors in relation to Department of Justice data. |
DL270 | 6 July 2018 | Adoption records. |
DL271 | 10 July 2018 | Redress file of an individual. |
DL272 | 9 July 2018 | Any correspondence to and from Ministers/Ministerial Offices relating to progress/submission/cancellation of the Youth Sexual Violence and Abuse Steering Committee final report and any correspondence to and from the Committee relating to progress/submission/cancellation of the report. |
DL273 | 14 June 2018 | Child safety records. |
DL274 | 19 July 2018 | Child safety documents, corrective services documents and departmental policy and procedures. |
DL275 | 24 July 2018 | For the period 1952 to 1979, departmental records relating to a particular institution with respect to the identity of staff members. |
DL276 | 30 July 2018 | For the period 1 January 2012 to 30 July 2018 all Cleveland Youth Detention Centre and Brisbane Youth Detention Centre quarterly reports. |
DL277 | 6 August 2018 | ILP records. |
DL278 | 16 August 2018 | Documents relating to the decision to 're-shape' the Queensland Youth Reference Group. |
DL279 | 27 August 2018 | ILP records. |
DL280 | 3 September 2018 | Child safety records. |
DL281 | 4 September 2018 | Adoption and ILP records. |
DL282 | 8 October 2018 | ILP records. |
DL283 | 1 October 2018 | For the 2017 to 2018 financial year, documents and/or reports showing the total spending on office renovations across the department including but not limited to new office furniture purchased in the last financial year. |
DL284 | 11 October 2018 | ILP records. |
DL285 | 29 October 2018 | Complaint letter lodged with the department pertaining to the activities undertaken by a particular non-government organisation. |
DL286 | 6 November 2018 | For the 2017 to 2018 financial year, documents regarding any technical issues (either interruption and/or greater problems) and/or privacy concerns with the implementation and subsequent operation of the 'Our Child portal'. |
DL287 | 14 November 2018 | Child safety records about others. |
DL288 | 23 November 2018 | The last five briefing notes to the Minister or her office regarding Supervised Bail Accommodation Services in Queensland. |
DL289 | 26 November 2018 | For the period 1 January to 26 November 2018, audits (limited to the final audit if in existence), reports, ministerial and executive briefing notes (including attachments) relating to overcrowding of youth detention centres and transfers between youth detention centres and watchhouses.
DL290 | 29 November 2018 | Adoption and ILP records about another person. |
DL292 | 3 December 2018 | ILP records. |
DL293 | 3 December 2018 | For the period 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2018 seeking documents relating to the maintenance and fitting of glass in relevant Brisbane Youth Detention Centre facilities and information regarding particular events. |
DL294 | 7 December 2018 | For the period 1 June 2018 to 30 November 2018, the registers of undressed searches conducted at the youth detention centre or, if the registers do not exist, documents regarding the number of searches, the gender and Indigenous status of those searches and the umber and nature of items located as a result of the searches and any documents that provide guidance on the conduct of undressed searches of detainees at the youth detention centres including instructions, manuals, guidelines, policies and directives. |
DL295 | 13 December 2018 | For the period 1 January 2014 to 13 December 2018 documents relating to:
DL296 | 14 December 2018 | Youth justice records of others. |
DL297 | 13 December 2018 | For the period 1 January to 13 December 2018:
Item 5 is limited to the daily report containing the most comprehensive data.
DL298 | 7 December 2018 | For the period 29 June 2017 to 30 November 2018, all documents relating to a complaint and investigation into the alleged conduct of a named officer.
DL299 | 20 December 2018 | For the period 1 January 2017 to 20 December 2018, executive and ministerial briefing notes and attachments, reports and internal correspondence relating to children in state care who have been abused while in care and then sent back to the place of that abuse.
DL300 | 20 December 2018 | For the period 16 November to 20 December 2018, briefing notes, emails and critical incident reports sent to the Director-General regarding a named child.
DL301 | 19 December 2018 | Child safety documents and Forde redress files of another person. |
DL302 | 14 January 2019 | Child safety documents relating to a family member and ILP records of another person. |
DL303 | 25 January 2019 | For the 2018 calendar year, documents which provide:
DL304 | 28 January 2019 | For the 2018 calendar year, documents containing a list of office renovations including the cost and a description or the work done.
DL305 | 6 February 2019 | Child safety records about the applicant and relevant documents about foster carers. |
DL306 | 8 February 2019 | Documents about the care of an individual and relevant reports including external investigation reports. |
DL307 | 22 February 2019 | All tender response documents submitted by a non-government organisation for procurement DCSYW063B Women's Re-entry Service - Southern Queensland Correctional Centre and scoring of responses by the selection panel for the organisation's submission.
DL308 | 22 February 2019 | For the period 1 January 2018 to 26 February 2019, all documents in regard to the discussion and decision to move the Women's Re-entry Service for Southern Queensland Women's Correctional Centre from Queensland Corrective Services to the Department of Child Safety Youth and Women.
DL309 | 1 March 2019 | ILP records. |
DL310 | 10 April 2019 | The last five briefing notes about supervised community accommodation services.
DL311 | 11 April 2019 | ILP records. |
DL312 | 24 April 2019 | Child safety and ILP records about another person. |
DL313 | 1 May 2019 | For the 2018 calendar year, in relation to Cleveland Youth Detention Centre and Brisbane Youth Detention Centre:
DL314 | 8 May 2019 | Investigation reports regarding a particular individual and relevant policies and procedures. |
DL315 | 5 June 2019 | Child safety records about another person. |
DL316 | 14 June 2019 | Adoption and ILP records about another person. |
DL317 | 17 June 2019 | ILP records. |
DL318 | 3 July 2019 | ILP records. |
DL319 | 4 July 2019 | Child safety records about another person. |
DL320 | 10 July 2019 | ILP records. |
DL321 | 15 July 2019 | ILP records. |
DL322 | 16 July 2019 | ILP records. |
DL323 | 11 July 2019 | Reports arising out of the following contracts:
DL324 | 19 July 2019 | For the period 1 January to 10 July 2019, briefing notes and correspondence in relation to the Government Boards appointment processes and meeting procedures to ensure gender diverse membership of the Mining Safety and Health Advisory Committee
DL325 | 30 July 2019 | ILP records. |
DL326 | 31 July 2019 | ILP records. |
DL327 | 31 July 2019 | ILP records. |
DL328 | 5 August 2019 | For the period 1 January 2017 to 5 August 2019, departmental reports or briefing notes:
DL329 | 21 August 2019 | In relation to the Youth Housing and Reintegration Service:
DL330 | 24 September 2019 | Child safety records. |
DL331 | 8 October 2019 | Child safety records about another person. |
DL332 | 21 October 2019 | Child safety records about another person. |
DL333 | 21 October 2019 | Complaints and investigation documents. |
DL334 | 1 November 2019 | Adoption records about another person. |
DL335 | 31 October 2019 | Child protection data relating to children and young people with disability. |
DL336 | 5 November 2019 | Adoption records about another person. |
DL337 | 11 November 2019 | Child Safety data. |
DL338 | 20 November 2019 | ILP records. |
DL339 | 14 January 2020 | Documents relating to a tender process. |
DL340 | 30 January 2020 | ILP records. |
DL341 | 30 January 2020 | Child protection records about another person. |
DL342 | 27 April 2020 | ILP records. |
DL343 | 1 May 2020 | Child Safety records about another person. |
DL344 | 16 June 2020 | Adoption and associated records. |
DL345 | 24 June 2020 | Institution files in relation to Eidsvold Family Group Home. |
DL346 | 13 July 2020 | Documents relating to a procurement process. |
DL347 | 24 July 2020 | ILP records. |
DL348 | 27 July 2020 | ILP records. |
DL349 | 3 August 2020 | Specified complaint documents. |
DL350 | 13 August 2020 | Child Safety records about another person. |
DL351 | 16 September 2020 | ILP records. |
DL352 | 30 September 2020 | ILP records. |