Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

The work we do isn't easy but keeping children connected to family, kin and culture is our number one goal.

We need to reduce the disproportionate representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families in the child protection system. To achieve this, we're changing the ways in which we work with community so that First Nations families are empowered to be heard and make the decisions to heal, grow and prosper.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the experts in how to keep their children and families safe. Even with the best intentions, as a mainstream service, we cannot care for and keep Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children safe in family, community and culture as effectively as their own community.

To realise true generational change, we need more eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to join our department.

Working as a Child Safety Officer is a real opportunity to influence Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families to make positive changes and have better life outcomes.