Survey info

My life in care survey

All children and young people in care have a right to be heard and listened to.

We’re conducting our annual survey of Queensland children and young people in care to find out how they feel about their lives, the care and support they receive, and what could be changed to make things better for them.

We want to hear their views on their experience of the care system, including their placement, how the education and health systems are supporting them, and different aspects of their life, including their family and social relationships.

There are 2 online surveys — a survey for young people aged 10–18 and a separate survey suitable for children aged 5–9.

Children and young people eligible to participate in the survey include:

  • 5–9 year olds in the guardianship of the Chief Executive
  • 10–18 year olds in the guardianship of the Chief Executive
  • 10–18 year olds in the guardianship of other persons where the guardian has provided consent.

Eligible young people aged 10–18 years will receive a post card in the mail and a notification through their kicbox account about how to access and login to do the survey.

Children aged 5–9 years will be supported to do the survey by our Child Safety Officers or Community Visitors during home visits.

The online survey will run from 2 September to 30 November 2024.

Children and young people will receive a gift card for completing the survey.

Last year, more than 900 children and young people participated in the survey. We encourage you to read what they had to say.

Carers of children and young people in care

If you’re caring for children and young people under the guardianship of the Chief Executive, we need your support to encourage the young people in your care to complete the survey.

Their responses will help us understand what parts of the system are working well and what needs to change to improve outcomes for all children and young people in care.

Eligible children and young people will receive a post card about how to access and participate in the survey. Talk to your Child Safety Officer if the child or young person in your care hasn’t received one.

Children and young people under guardianship of others

For carers who have legal guardianship of children and young people aged 10–18, we ask for your consent to enable young people to do the survey.

While the young person in your guardianship has limited involvement now with the child protection system, in most cases, they would have been a child in care for a number of years before you became their legal parent. It’s important that they’re provided the opportunity to have their say about their experience in care.

More information

If you’d like more information about the My life in care survey, please contact the Performance Reporting and Analytics team by:
Phone: 3097 5315

The Children’s Health Human Research and Ethics Committee (EC00175) has reviewed and approved this survey in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research. This statement has been developed to protect the interests of people who agree to participate in human research studies. Should you wish to discuss the study or view a copy of the Complaint procedure with someone not directly involved, particularly in relation to matters concerning policies, information or complaints about the conduct of the survey or your rights as participant you may contact the Committee Chair, Children’s Health Human Research Ethics Committee on 3069 7002.

The Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services is collecting this information under Section 7 [r] and [s] of the Child Protection Act 1999. All information will be handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld).

Last reviewed:15 August 2024

Last modified:15 August 2024