Queensland Carers Charter

The Queensland Parliament recognises that carers make a significant contribution to the people they care for, which benefits the economic and social wellbeing of the whole community. Carers deserve recognition, respect and support for their role, including grandparent carers, who make a significant contribution to the lives of their grandchildren.

All Queensland Government departments and statutory bodies must promote and support the principles of the Queensland Carers Charter, when providing services and supporting staff.

The Carers (Recognition) Act 2008 establishes the following Queensland Carers Charter (PDF, 139 KB) Queensland Carers Charter (DOCX, 467 KB):

  1. The State recognises the effort and dedication of carers in our community and that carers provide a vital service.
  2. Carers deserve the respect of our community and should be supported within their community by all levels of government, institutions and organisations.
  3. The views and needs of carers must be taken into account together with the views, needs and best interests of the people they care for when making policy decisions.
  4. The importance of carers' work means the role of carers should be recognised by including carers, or their representative bodies, in the assessment, planning, delivery and review of services affecting carers.
  5. Complaints made by carers in relation to services that impact on them must be given careful consideration.
  6. Carers should be recognised -
    • for their unique knowledge and experience; and
    • as individuals with their own needs.
  7. The relationship between a carer and the person they care for should be respected and honoured.
  8. Children and young people who are carers should be specifically supported by all of our community.
  9. The caring responsibilities of children and young people should be minimised.
  10. Grandparents who are carers for their grandchildren, after having raised their own children, should be supported in their important and challenging role.
  11. Grandparents who are carers for their grandchildren need easy access to information that is clear and relevant to their role as a carer.
  12. Carers need access to a wide range of responsive and affordable services to support them and their decision making in their role as a carer.
  13. Remote and rurally based carers face additional difficulties caused by isolation.

Contact information

To contact the Office For Carers, please email OfficeForCarers@dsdsatsip.qld.gov.au