Reporting child abuse in other states

If you have a reason to suspect a child outside Queensland is experiencing harm, or is at risk of experiencing harm, the following state and territory agencies can provide support and advice.

Australian Capital Territory

Department of Community Services

New South Wales

Department of Communities and Justice

Northern Territory

Territory Families

South Australia

Department for Child Protection


Department for Education, Children and Young People


Department of Health and Human Services

  • Phone: After Hours Child Protection Emergency Service on 13 12 78 or the relevant number below:
    - North Division intake on 1300 664 977
    - South Division intake on 1300 655 795
    - East Division intake on 1300 360 391
    - West Division intake – metropolitan on 1300 664 977
    - West Division intake – rural and regional on 1800 075 599
  • Website:

Western Australia

Department of Communities, Child Protection and Family Support