Resources and publications

Brochures and booklets

For parents

For children and young people

About Family Group Meetings (FGM)

Mandatory reporting information for early childhood education and care professionals


Child Safety complaints management system

Guides and manuals


Policies and procedures

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Case management


Investigation and assessment


Self-harm and suicide risk


For parents

  • Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ) - parenting tips and family resources to support the needs, interests and contributions of culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Queensland.
  • Healthy Start - an Australia-wide strategy to support parents with learning difficulties and promote a healthy start to life for their young children.
  • Ask Izzy is a free, online community services directory for parents, young people and families who are having tough times, to find help in their local area. This could be as simple as finding a mother's group to needing support for cyber bullying, financial stress, homelessness, domestic violence, and more.
  • Parentline - confidential telephone counselling service aimed at providing professional counselling and support for parents and all who have the care of children.
  • Raising Children Network - joint Victorian government/community organisation website providing information to help parents with the day-to-day decisions of raising children, and looking after their own needs.

For children and young people

  • Queensland Government Young people experiencing domestic and family violence – information for young people experiencing domestic and family violence.
  • 1800RESPECT – factsheet for teens experiencing violence.
  • Children's Week - annual event celebrated in Australia during the fourth week in October.
  • CREATE Foundation - non-government organisation connecting and empowering children and young people in care.
  • Kids Helpline - confidential and anonymous, 24-hour telephone and online counselling service specifically for children and young people aged between five and twenty five.
  • Family Group Meeting Convenor Handbook

    This handbook is for new and experienced family group meeting convenors or any other delegated officers who have been asked to facilitate a family group meeting.