Resources and publications
Brochures and booklets
For parents
- Assessment orders - Information for parents Assessment orders - Information for parents
- Temporary custody order - Information for parents Temporary custody order - Information for parents
- Child protection order - Information for parents Child protection order - Information for parents
- Care agreements - Information for parents Care agreements - Information for parents
- What is child abuse
- Child sexual abuse - things you need to know
- Mandatory Reporting A3 poster
- Family contact - Information for parents Family contact - Information for parents
- Family group meetings: Information for parents Family group meetings: Information for parents
- Intervention with parental agreement: Information for parents
- Support service case: Information for pregnant women
- When child safety officers visit your home When child safety officers visit your home
- What is an independent person? Information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families What is an independent person? Information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families
- Making active efforts – information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families
For children and young people
- My rights in care - information for young people My rights in care - information for young people
- My rights in care – information for children My rights in care – information for children
- Independent person – information for children and young people
- Family group meetings: Information for children
- My journey in care
- Support service case - Transition to adulthood Support service case - Transition to adulthood
About Family Group Meetings (FGM)
- Family group meetings: Information for legal representatives
- Family group meetings: Information for parents Family group meetings: Information for parents
- Family group meetings: Information for service providers
Mandatory reporting information for early childhood education and care professionals
- Information sheet 1: Mandatory reporting by early childhood education and care professionals Information sheet 1: Mandatory reporting by early childhood education and care professionals
- Information sheet 2: The Child Protection Guide Information sheet 2: The Child Protection Guide
- Information sheet 3: Principal Child Protection Practitioner Information sheet 3: Principal Child Protection Practitioner
- Information sheet 4: Sharing Information with Family and Child Connect Information sheet 4: Sharing Information with Family and Child Connect
- Information sheet 5: What is Family and Child Connect Information sheet 5: What is Family and Child Connect
- Information sheet 6: Frequently asked questions Information sheet 6: Frequently asked questions
- Information sheet 7: Understanding Domestic & Family Violence Information sheet 7: Understanding Domestic & Family Violence
- Information sheet 8: Impact of Parental Substance Misuse on Children Information sheet 8: Impact of Parental Substance Misuse on Children
- Information sheet 9: How to have a Difficult Conversation Information sheet 9: How to have a Difficult Conversation
- Information sheet 10: Understanding children's sexual behaviour Information sheet 10: Understanding children's sexual behaviour
- Information sheet 11: Reporting child protection concerns contact sheet Information sheet 11: Reporting child protection concerns contact sheet
- A guide to reporting child protection concerns and referring families to support services A guide to reporting child protection concerns and referring families to support services
- Information for children ((PDF, 2.3 MB)) ((DOCX, 19 KB))
- Information for young people ((PDF, 2 MB)) ((DOCX, 19 KB))
- Information for parents ((PDF, 101 KB)) ((DOCX, 26 KB))
- Information for guardians ((PDF, 93 KB)) ((DOCX, 28 KB))
Child Safety complaints management system
- Feedback Feedback
- First attempt at resolution First attempt at resolution
- Complaint Complaint
- Internal review Internal review
- Unreasonable client conduct Unreasonable client conduct
- Making a complaint
- Making a complaint (poster)
Guides and manuals
- Child Safety Practice Manual
- Child Protection Guide
- Family Group Meeting Convenor Handbook Family Group Meeting Convenor Handbook
- Guide for health professionals Guide for health professionals
- A guide to reporting child protection concerns and referring families to support services A guide to reporting child protection concerns and referring families to support services
- Acts and regulations:
- History of child protection
- Child protection legislation
Policies and procedures
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- Decisions about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children (641) Decisions about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children (641)
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' participation in decisions about the development and delivery of services (650) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' participation in decisions about the development and delivery of services (650)
Case management
- Care agreements (415) Care agreements (415)
- Case planning (263) Case planning (263)
- Decision making about end of life medical treatment for a child in care (420) Decision making about end of life medical treatment for a child in care (420)
- Interstate transfers of child protection orders and proceedings (401) Interstate transfers of child protection orders and proceedings (401)
- Intervention with parental agreement (343) Intervention with parental agreement (343)
- Managing high risk behaviour (646) Managing high risk behaviour (646)
- Obligations, actions and responsibilities upon the death of a child in care (421) Obligations, actions and responsibilities upon the death of a child in care (421)
- Positive behaviour support (604) Positive behaviour support (604)
- Structured decision making (407) Structured decision making (407)
- Support service case (406) Support service case (406)
Investigation and assessment
- Assessment and Service Connect (636) Assessment and Service Connect (636)
- Care agreements (415) Care agreements (415)
- Investigation and assessment (386) Investigation and assessment (386)
- Structured decision making (407) Structured decision making (407)
- Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN) team system (405) Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN) team system (405)
- Children and young people with gender and sexual orientation diversity (648) Children and young people with gender and sexual orientation diversity (648)
- Disclosing notifier details to police (649) Disclosing notifier details to police (649)
- Information sharing for service delivery coordination (403) Information sharing for service delivery coordination (403)
- Professional supervision (404) Professional supervision (404)
- Supporting children with disability (644) Supporting children with disability (644)
Self-harm and suicide risk
- Assessing and responding to self-harm and suicide risk (605) Assessing and responding to self-harm and suicide risk (605)
For parents
- Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ) - parenting tips and family resources to support the needs, interests and contributions of culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Queensland.
- Healthy Start - an Australia-wide strategy to support parents with learning difficulties and promote a healthy start to life for their young children.
- Ask Izzy is a free, online community services directory for parents, young people and families who are having tough times, to find help in their local area. This could be as simple as finding a mother's group to needing support for cyber bullying, financial stress, homelessness, domestic violence, and more.
- Parentline - confidential telephone counselling service aimed at providing professional counselling and support for parents and all who have the care of children.
- Raising Children Network - joint Victorian government/community organisation website providing information to help parents with the day-to-day decisions of raising children, and looking after their own needs.
For children and young people
- Queensland Government Young people experiencing domestic and family violence – information for young people experiencing domestic and family violence.
- 1800RESPECT – factsheet for teens experiencing violence.
- Children's Week - annual event celebrated in Australia during the fourth week in October.
- CREATE Foundation - non-government organisation connecting and empowering children and young people in care.
- Kids Helpline - confidential and anonymous, 24-hour telephone and online counselling service specifically for children and young people aged between five and twenty five.
Family Group Meeting Convenor Handbook
This handbook is for new and experienced family group meeting convenors or any other delegated officers who have been asked to facilitate a family group meeting.