Quality and safeguards
The Disability Services Act 2006 outlines a range of quality and safeguards that apply to disability services funded or delivered by the department, which are outside the scope of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework. It also retains limited quality and safeguards in relation to disability services provided by NDIS registered providers.
Positive behaviour support
The Positive behaviour support and restrictive practices framework safeguards the rights of adults with a cognitive or intellectual disability who exhibit severely challenging behaviours. It provides for the authorisation of restrictive practices to support individuals in specific circumstances.
Disability Worker Screening
Nationally consistent disability worker screening for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) commenced in Queensland in February 2021 to improve the safety and quality of services and supports delivered to people living with disability. Queensland also continues to provide robust state screening for workers delivering State delivered or funded disability services that are provided outside the NDIS.
The broad objective of disability worker screening is to protect people with disability who receive funded supports or services from an unacceptable risk of harm. The paramount consideration is the right of people with disability to live their lives free from abuse, violence, neglect or exploitation. The screening checks determine whether a person is cleared or excluded from working in certain roles with people with disability. A 'no card, no start' approach means that people who are required to be screened must have a clearance before they can start work.
For further information about disability worker screening in Queensland, please visit our worker screening website.
Complaints management
The complaints management processes provides a channel for feedback on service quality and resolution of issues.
Monitoring and investigation
The Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety has monitoring and investigative powers to monitor compliance with the Act.