Queensland Disability Reform Framework

On 31 July 2024, the Queensland Government released the Queensland Disability Reform Framework – The Next Chapter (Framework). The Framework provides a cohesive approach for considering disability reform in the context of the Disability Royal Commission and NDIS Review, which have many intersections across their findings and recommendations.

The Framework sets out key focus areas and initial reforms under three broad objectives:

  • The rights, voices and participation of people with disability are elevated.
  • Queenslanders with disability can access high quality, safe services.
  • Strong structures to drive outcomes for Queenslanders with disability.

The Framework has been developed in consultation with people with disability, their families and carers, service providers and the disability sector.

The implementation of initial reforms identified in the Framework will be co-designed with people with disability, their families and the disability sector through the delivery of the sector-led Disability Stakeholder Engagement and Co-design Strategy.

Future reforms will also be co-designed and implemented in partnership with the disability community through a staged approach, alongside measures in Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031 and Queensland’s Disability Plan 2022–27: Together, a better Queensland.

Alongside the Framework, the Queensland Government also released its response to the Disability Royal Commission.

Related information

NDIS Review

Disability Royal Commission

Download document

Queensland Disability Reform Framework – the Next Chapter

(PDF, 1.1 MB)(DOCX, 2 MB)

Queensland Disability Reform Framework – the Next Chapter  (Easy Read translation)

Auslan video

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