The quick 10 questions

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Quick questions

Mark your organisation on a scale of 1 to 5 for each question. Add up your score and see how the toolkit can help your age-friendliness.

1. Are you aware of all the benefits of an age-friendly community?
2. How often do you involve older people in the planning processes of services and products?
3. How easy is it for older people to access your organisation, e.g. physical location, online, phone, email and so on?
4. How well does your organisation engage with older people?
5. How much do you think your products or services take older people into account when being produced or sold?
6. How often do staff in your organisation receive training on engaging with older people?
7. Does your organisation have a strategy to attract and retain older people as employees?
8. How likely would your organisation be to employ someone aged over 50 years?
9. Are you aware of the World Health Organisation's 8 domains of age-friendliness?
10. How much do you partner with other organisations to create an age-friendly community?

If your score is below 25, don't despair — our toolkit can help your organisation be more age-friendly. Use the Chatterbox tool to start a conversation about ageing in your workplace and then work through our toolkit from the beginning.

If your score is between 25 and 39, your organisation is on the way to being age-friendly. Consider using our assessment tools to highlight the age-friendly gaps in your organisation and devise solutions. You can also look at your lowestscoring questions and read about the corresponding sections in the toolkit.

If your score is between 40 and 50, congratulations! Your organisation really understands age-friendliness but there's always room for improvement. Check out the Evaluation section of our toolkit and make sure you're looking for ways to build on the good work already happening.

Resources available

Printable versions of this resource and many others are available for download in the Queensland: an age-friendly community toolkit.


Each question response is rated from 1-5, the first response being 1 and the last being 5.

Look at your lowest scores on the quiz and see where you can improve your age-friendliness.
Each question corresponds to a section in the toolkit below: