Queensland's age-friendly future

We want Queensland to be an age-friendly state that embraces older people and recognises the enormous value they contribute to our families, neighbourhoods and wider communities. A state where older people live active, healthy and productive lives.

On  18 October 2022 Future Directions for an Age-Friendly Queensland was released to signal the Queensland Government's commitment to deliver a contemporary and meaningful seniors strategy that was informed by the voices of Queensland seniors sharing their views on what an age-friendly Queensland looks like, both now and into the future.

On 8 August 2024 we released An Age-friendly Queensland: The Queensland Seniors Strategy 2024-29 (PDF, 2.4 MB) An Age-friendly Queensland: The Queensland Seniors Strategy 2024-29 (DOCX, 2.8 MB) which is our blueprint for achieving an age-friendly state where older people live active, healthy productive lives, where they are connected to their communities and the people and services that matter to them, cared for and supported by world class frontline services and celebrated for the significant contribution they make.

Download document

Queensland Seniors Strategy 2024-2029

(PDF, 2.4 MB) (DOCX, 2.8 MB)

Queensland Senior Action Plan 2024-2026

(PDF, 10.5 MB) (DOCX, 18.3 MB)