
Seniors Strategy and Action Plan

Queensland, like many regions around the world, has an ageing population. In 2023, more than 926,000 Queenslanders are 65 or older and the Australian Bureau of Statistics projects that by 2053, more than one in five Queenslanders will be 65 years or older.

The Queensland Government recognises the need to respond to the evolving needs of older Queenslanders.

We want Queensland to be an age-friendly state that embraces older people and recognises the enormous value they contribute to our families, neighbourhoods and wider communities. A state where older people live active, healthy and productive lives.

On 8 August 2024 we launched An Age-friendly Queensland: The Queensland Seniors Strategy (PDF, 2.4 MB) An Age-friendly Queensland: The Queensland Seniors Strategy (DOCX, 2.8 MB) , a five year vision for a Queensland where older people are:

  • connected to their communities and the people and services that matter to them,
  • cared for and supported by world class frontline services when needed, and
  • celebrated for the significant contribution they make to our economy and our society.

The Strategy reflects the views of more than 16,000 older Queenslanders—from the south-east corner through to western Queensland and the Torres Strait—who told us what they want, and what they value and what they need.

The Age-friendly Queensland Action Plan 2024–25 to 2025–26 (PDF, 10.5 MB) Age-friendly Queensland Action Plan 2024–25 to 2025–26 (DOCX, 18.3 MB) will be driven by actions totaling over $10 billion to improve the lives of older Queenslanders.

Key highlights

The Strategy’s inaugural Action Plan includes whole-of-government delivery and investment for seniors valued at over $10 billion, including:

  • significant cost-of-living support through concessions, rebates, and discounts on a range of goods and services
  • strengthening community safety as well as safety in the home
  • investing in services to prevent and respond to abuse of older people and social isolation
  • improved transport affordability to help seniors stay connected with their family, friends and communities
  • stronger consumer protections for residents of retirement villages and residential parks
  • challenging ageism and negative stereotypes about getting older, including through Seniors Month and a supporting community grants program.

Useful links

Download documents

Queensland Seniors Strategy 2024-2029

(PDF, 2.4 MB) (DOCX, 2.8 MB)

Queensland Senior Action Plan 2024-2026

(PDF, 10.5 MB) (DOCX, 18.3 MB)